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5개 유용한 검색 엔진 기술-ScrapeStorm | 웹 스크래핑 툴 | ScrapeStorm

2023-05-06 14:14:00
3003 차

개요:This article will introduce some techniques for search engines. ScrapeStorm무료 다운로드

Here are some techniques used in search engines.

Search engines usually have some advanced search technologies. After mastering these technologies, you can filter out unwanted information and find the information you need faster.


For example, if you just want to search blog, you can add「site:」 before the specified website and search for all your blog.


Use「“”」 to match the keywords exactly. If you don’t use「“”」, the search engine will show results related to the default keyword, rather than an exact match of the keyword.




If you use「intitle:」, the search engine will display the results including the keyword in the title.



Display video only.


5.「filetype:file format(pdf/xls…)」

You can search for a specific file.

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