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Python 소개 및 특징 | 웹 스크래핑 툴 | ScrapeStorm

2023-05-06 13:44:20
1837 차

개요:This article will introduce basic knowledge of Python. ScrapeStorm무료 다운로드

Introduction to Python
Python is a high-level scripting language that combines interpretation, compilation, interactivity, and object-oriented.


Python design
Python is an interpreted language: This means that there is no compilation in the development process. Similar to PHP and Perl languages.

Python is an interactive language: This means that you can directly execute and write your program interactively at a Python prompt.

Python is an object-oriented language: This means that Python supports an object-oriented style or programming technique where the code is encapsulated in an object.

Python is a language for beginners: Python is a great language for junior programmers. It supports a wide range of application development, from simple word processing to WWW browsers to games. It is highly readable. Compared with other languages, English keywords are often used. Some punctuation marks in other languages have a more distinctive grammatical structure than other languages.


History of Python’s development

Python was designed by Guido van Rossum at the National Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science in the Netherlands in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Python itself is also developed by many other languages, including ABC, Modula-3, C, C++, Algol-68, SmallTalk, Unix shell and other scripting languages, etc.

Like the Perl language, the Python source code also follows the GPL (GNU General Public License) agreement.

Python is now maintained by a core development team, and Guido van Rossum still plays a vital role in guiding its progress.


Python characteristic
1.Easy to learn: Python has relatively few keywords, simple structure, and a clearly defined grammar, making it easier to learn.

2.Easy to read: Python code is more clearly defined.

3.Easy to maintain: Python’s success lies in its source code is fairly easy to maintain.

4.An extensive standard library: One of the biggest advantages of Python is its rich library, cross-platform, and compatible with UNIX, Windows and Macintosh.

5.Interactive mode: With the support of interactive mode, you can enter the language that executes the code and get the result from the terminal, and interactively test and debug code snippets.

6.Portability: Based on its open source characteristics, Python has been ported (that is, to make it work) to many platforms.

7.Scalable: If you need a piece of critical code that runs fast, or you want to write some algorithms that you don’t want to open, you can use C or C++ to complete that part of the program, and then call it from your Python program.

8.Database: Python provides interfaces to all major commercial databases.

9.GUI programming: Python supports GUI that can be created and ported to many system calls.

10.Embeddable: You can embed Python into a C/C++ program, allowing users of your program to have the ability to “script”.

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